The article provides quotes from Mike Pompeo and Steve Scalise. Mike, whose formal name is Michael Richard Pompeo, is the former US Secretary of State (2018-2020) and former congressman representing the fourth district of Kansas. Steve Scalise, whose formal name is Stephen Joseph Scalise, is currently (2024) serving as representative of the first congressional district of Louisiana. Steve has been in the US Congress since 2008.
“In my office, I keep a Bible open on my desk to remind me of God and his word, and the truth.” – Mike Pompeo
“Next to the Bible, I think the Constitution is the most important document ever written.” – Steve Scalise
“Christmas has come to mean something far greater to me: It’s not just a day for family time or opening presents; it is a day to celebrate the true miracle of a child being born to humble conditions in the small village of Bethlehem, over 2,000 years ago.” – Mike Pompeo
“On Christmas, we remind ourselves of God’s living, abiding love for each one of us, and we honor that love by giving it freely to others.” – Mike Pompeo
“In a year sometimes punctuated by tragedy and division, the Christmas season offers us all time to reflect on our blessings and carry this charitable spirit with us into the new year.” – Steve Scalise
“For me, there are a lot of things I celebrate, but it starts with the birth of Christ. That’s the reason for the season.” – Steve Scalise
“These media organizations have an intense interest in not making the Chinese Communist Party mad, because they see an audience of 1.4 billion people, and they see markets that are important to them, and they see a Chinese Communist Party that is willing to punish them if they don’t conform to the Chinese leadership objectives.” – Mike Pompeo
“A free and open internet has always operated best without the government being involved and we should fight to keep it that way.” – Steve Scalise
“I’m convinced, the brightest talent from all across the world will still flock to the United States because we continue to be a beacon for liberty and a place where a world-class education on cutting-edge knowledge will be available to those who are willing to work hard to get it.” – Mike Pompeo
“America’s educational system should reflect the principles that have made America the most exceptional nation in the world: freedom and competition.” – Mike Pompeo
“Our continued success as a leading innovator in the global economy depends on a 21st century education, beginning with a strong foundation in science, engineering, technology, mathematics and the computer sciences. With these skills, we are arming future generations of American leaders with the tools they need to grow a healthy economy that will continue to set the global standard in thinking and innovation.” – Steve Scalise
“The education reforms in Louisiana, especially the reforms we made in New Orleans which are being recognized as a national model for public education transformation, serve as prime examples of why states and local school systems are better suited to determine student achievement than the federal government. I’m proud to spearhead this amendment and take another key step towards getting the federal government out of the classroom.” – Steve Scalise
“22 years ago, I married the most incredible woman on earth. Gracious, humble, brilliant and faithful to her Maker. I am a blessed man to call you my wife, Susan.” – Mike Pompeo
“… it wasn’t so long ago that Susan and I were just like so many of you all. We were raising our son, we were trying to build up our community, we’re staying involved at our church. I was teaching Sunday school.” – Mike Pompeo
“As a father, these are priceless moments I cherish. Happy birthday, son!” – Steve Scalise
“Today I celebrate 12 wonderful years of marriage with my best friend and mother of our 2 great kids. Happy anniversary Jennifer!” – Steve Scalise
“As a proud son of Abruzzo, I’m honored to visit my ancestors’ birthplace and to meet the wonderful people of Pacentro. More than 18 million Americans [2018-2020] share Italian roots, and they continue to contribute to the story of American greatness.” – Mike Pompeo
“We are a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws. My great-grandparents came here from Italy and I'm proud of that. We let more than a million people into this country legally every single year, the most generous country in the world.” – Steve Scalise
“The Biden Administration’s continued ignorance of the persecution of Nigeria’s Christians – and its failure to promote and defend religious freedom as a core tenet of America’s foreign policy – betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of how the world orders itself outside the narrow corridors of the Beltway.” – Mike Pompeo
“The Biden Administration’s approach is intentional. Its continued failure to fight for religious freedom abroad is symptomatic of the progressive ideology to which it subscribes.” – Mike Pompeo
“Instead of going to other countries apologizing for America, he [Joe Biden] should recognize the fact that the United States of America was one of the very few countries that actually reduced our carbon emissions by getting out of the Paris Accord.” – Steve Scalise
“A man [Joe Biden] too incapable of being held accountable for mishandling classified information is certainly unfit for the Oval Office.” – Steve Scalise, et. al.
“We should pray. That’s the first of all things. I feel prayers. I get notes from people who say they’re praying for me. I can feel it. My wife, my son, we all appreciate it.” – Mike Pompeo
“Our ability to pray – anytime and anywhere – is a fundamental right. Our nation was founded on religious freedom. We MUST protect everyone’s right to prayer.” – Mike Pompeo
“When I was laying out on that ball field, the first thing I did once I was down and I couldn’t do anything anymore, I just started to pray and I tell you it gave me an unbelievable sense of calm knowing that at that point it was in God’s hand but I prayed for very specific things, and I will tell you pretty much every one of those prayers was answered — and they were some pretty challenging prayers I was putting in God’s hand but he really did deliver for me and my family, and it just give you that renewed faith in understanding the power of prayer is just something that you cannot underestimate. So I am definitely a living example that miracles really do happen.” – Steve Scalise
“It is great to be back. And even more importantly than that, it is great to be in remission from cancer. It’s been a long battle, about six months long. But God answers prayers, and there have been a lot of prayers and thank everybody for the support and prayers along the way.” – Steve Scalise
“Those who believe every life bears the image of our Creator will persevere. I will persevere. I hope you will stand with me and uphold, once and for all, our duty to protect all human life, born and unborn!” – Mike Pompeo
“We will continue to defend those children who are defenseless, uphold the sanctity of life, and provide the care and support mothers deserve.” – Steve Scalise
“Ensuring parents have the freedom to choose where to send their kids to school is the case all conservatives should be making.” – Mike Pompeo
“Free choices made by parents are the only thing that can drive real competition among schools, and only a competitive model will generate the kind of academic excellence America needs to prosper.” – Mike Pompeo
“Every child in America deserves an equal opportunity to get a quality education, and all parents should be able to make the best educational choices for their children. Choice in education is key to providing students and parents with the hope and opportunity that they deserve….” – Steve Scalise
“I support #SchoolChoice because where a child happens to live should not limit his or her access to a great education.” – Steve Scalise
For more images of quotes from Mike Pompeo and Steve Scalise, please go to “MOISES, POMPEO AND SCALISE QUOTES” in the Gallery section.