Image for the Article Entitled, “Mike Pompeo on Being a Christian” / “For me, I’m a Christian Evangelical, and it is an important part of who I am.” – Mike Pompeo

This article contains quotes from Mike Pompeo about being a Christian. The quotes inform the reader about Mr. Pompeo as a follower of Jesus Christ and how he manages to express his belief in the man and God who changed the course of history forever more than two thousand years ago. He invites us to express our being Christians without apology.

“My walk with Christ has shaped my life and given it purpose far beyond anything worldly ever could have.” – Mike Pompeo

“For me, I’m a Christian Evangelical, and it is an important part of who I am.” – Mike Pompeo

“Christmas has come to mean something far greater to me: It’s not just a day for family time or opening presents; it is a day to celebrate the true miracle of a child being born to humble conditions in the small village of Bethlehem, over 2,000 years ago.” – Mike Pompeo

“On Christmas, we remind ourselves of God’s living, abiding love for each one of us, and we honor that love by giving it freely to others.” – Mike Pompeo

“I went off to West Point, and as a young cadet, during my freshman year, there were two young men who were juniors who were true men of faith.  And they held these little Bible study/cookie klatches on Sunday afternoons and they invited all the cadets to see – it was purely voluntary. I started showing up– truly remarkable. I started going to church every weekend on my own because I wanted to be there to learn and to grow, and at some point during that first year, I really did come to have an understanding of Jesus that was different than the one that I had before. It fundamentally changed my life.” – Mike Pompeo

“We should pray. That’s the first of all things. I feel prayers. I get notes from people who say they’re praying for me. I can feel it. My wife, my son, we all appreciate it.” – Mike Pompeo

“Thank you to those who have been praying alongside Susan and me for discernment and wisdom. And don’t stop praying….” – Mike Pompeo

“Together, let’s make sure our religious freedom and our right to pray are never canceled.” – Mike Pompeo

Walk with Christ Quote from Mike Pompeo

Walk with Christ Quote from Mike Pompeo: “My walk with Christ has shaped my life and given it purpose far beyond anything worldly ever could have.” – Mike Pompeo

“Our ability to pray – anytime and anywhere – is a fundamental right… We MUST protect everyone’s right to prayer.” – Mike Pompeo

“Faith and prayer have been integral to our democracy since Day 1 [Founding Day of America]. We need prayer to keep our democracy!” – Mike Pompeo

“22 years ago, I married the most incredible woman on earth. Gracious, humble, brilliant and faithful to her Maker. I am a blessed man to call you my wife, Susan.” – Mike Pompeo

“I have been fighting for life my entire political career – and that will never change going forward. I believe, without a doubt, that life begins at conception and is sacred.” – Mike Pompeo

“I have a niece and a nephew who were born to mothers who didn’t want to keep those babies, but chose to do so and put them up for adoption. My sister adopted them. These are my nephew and my niece – lovely, now-young adults who are really important people because these mothers made this important choice.” – Mike Pompeo

“Now I hope we can all go out and make sure every woman gets a chance to do precisely this: make sure they carry their baby to term and we welcome these young people into the world, and we hope their families stay intact to care of them. But if they can’t, then we will come around and help them be successful in living good American lives.” – Mike Pompeo

“I am, and always will be, pro-life and will defend life from conception to natural death.” – Mike Pompeo

“As a Kansan, I hold a deep reverence for the sanctity of life, the solidarity of family, and the solemnity of marriage.  I will continue the fight to uphold these fundamental ideals each and every day.” – Mike Pompeo

Religious Freedom and Right to Pray Quote from Mike Pompeo

Religious Freedom and Right to Pray Quote from Mike Pompeo: “Our ability to pray – anytime and anywhere – is a fundamental right… We MUST protect everyone’s right to prayer.” – Mike Pompeo

“… it wasn’t so long ago that Susan and I were just like so many of you all. We were raising our son, we were trying to build up our community, we’re staying involved at our church. I was teaching Sunday school.” – Mike Pompeo

“We can never give an inch in making sure that this American miracle—the ability to worship who we choose—is at the bedrock of who we are.” – Mike Pompeo

“In every interaction that you have, whether you’re at church or at a Bible study, at your work or wherever you may find yourself, exercise your right to religious freedom…. Be open. Be clear about who you are.” – Mike Pompeo

“In my office, I keep a Bible open on my desk to remind me of God and his word, and the truth.” – Mike Pompeo

“… as a Secretary of State… the task that I have is informed by my understanding of my faith, my belief in Jesus Christ as the Savior… I think that makes a real difference, and so I want people to know. It’s why I talk about it from [time] to time.  I want folks to know the perspective that I am bringing to the challenges in the job that I face, and it also requires me to try to hold myself to the standards that Christians hold themselves out for.” – Mike Pompeo

“… as Secretary of State and as a Christian, I’m proud to lead American diplomacy to support Israel’s right to defend itself. And I am proud to stand with the Jewish people and to champion the cause of religious liberty in Israel and in America.” – Mike Pompeo

“I’m proud to be here again not only as America’s top diplomat, but also as a man of faith.” – Mike Pompeo

“… it was my honor to host the first-ever religious freedom ministerial at the State Department.” – Mike Pompeo

“As Secretary, I fought for religious liberty as a foremost human right.” – Mike Pompeo

Religious Freedom Quote from Mike Pompeo

Religious Freedom Quote from Mike Pompeo: “In every interaction that you have, whether you’re at church or at a Bible study, at your work or wherever you may find yourself, exercise your right to religious freedom…. Be open. Be clear about who you are.” – Mike Pompeo