This is a Blue Faith gallery which contains 10 faith expression artworks or images about the cross of Christ and the crucified Christ.
“The Good Shepherd” – Faith Expression Artwork Based on Bible Verse John 10:11
“For God so Loved the World” – Faith Expression Artwork Based on Bible Verse John 3:16
“The Suffering Servant Triumphant” – Faith Expression Artwork Based on Bible Verses Isaiah 52:13-15
“God’s Love, the Jesus Love” – Faith Expression Artwork Based on Bible Verses John 3:16 and 1 John 4:16
“Immanuel: God is with Us” – Faith Expression Artwork Based on Bible Verse Isaiah 7:14
“Jesus the Liberator” – Faith Expression Artwork Based on Bible Verses Isaiah 44:21-22
“The Crucifixion of Christ” – Faith Expression Artwork Based on Bible Verses Luke 23:33-34, 42-46, Matthew 27:46, and John 19:26-30
“GOD is LOVE” – Faith Expression Artwork Based on Bible Verse 1 John 4:16
“The Great Light” – Faith Expression Artwork Based on Bible Verse Isaiah 9:2
“The Messiah and The Light” – Faith Expression Artwork Based on Bible Verses Luke 2:11 and John 1:4-5
For more faith expression artworks from the Blue Faith collection, please go to “BLUE FAITH AND BIBLE VERSES” in the Gallery section.